Wednesday, July 8, 2009


What do you think about you ??

I have ever wondered what should we think about ourself or what do we usually think about ourself. It’s really a difficult question to be explained. That's the first answer fully my head then I find something interesting in that. It appears something that I call zero space. Why I say like that because I think almost of us do not really understand or comprehend about us ourself that's why we often reproach ourself. I can think like that cause I saw one big things that always we ignore. You know what is it? It's our perception.
In here I'm not talking about religion or something like that, now I’m talking about fact that I want everybody to think it. We often believe that some conditions are not for me or it's not suitable with me. When you get new school you say I will die now to think about it. We always make a wrong perception about our life. Try to think about one thing that's make all become clear and can explain all about these.

So simple it is a CHANGE. We never realize that all thing in this world will change and change. It's a fact everybody. You must accept it or you will become so desire and full of paintfull. When you get something or job that you don't like. You should Try to think it logically. It's a change that is so normal, nothing wrong with this process. It’ll be so odd if you want everything go like what do you want. You've already had a wrong perception about your life. You must change it as soon as possible to stop your desire. My opinion is so logic coz even everyday there's change that you can't avoid, isn’t it !. One thing that really sure and it's CHANGE.

Change will make everything goes better. It's a process so when you don't get what you want you must realize it that it's just a process to be a better ending, so why I should get angry and destroy my feeling just for that. We need to know a true knowledge to give a peace for ourself. I want all people can study how to accept every condition they get. It's useless to fight with that condition. If we can not do anything to make it better, We should try to accept the condition and make peace with the condition. It will end too because it's a process guys.

Okay, now back to our first topic what should we think about ourself. yes, it's is about changes. We always change from baby until know, admitting it or no you are changing now. I don't know you'll change into a good one or bad one. So we change from one personality into new personality. After knowing about it I want everybody can drive themself into good future..

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