Monday, February 9, 2009

Ingredient of True LOVE

Love is blind. That's always people says about it. Talking about love, I think it is very interesting to discuss because every human being needs love and to be loved. What I'm going to tell here is about true love. In true love, there are 3 things all we should know, that are : Sacrifice, loyality and of course Understanding.

- Sacrifice
Love always needs sacrifice. It can be like time, money, and power.
If you really love someone you will give everything you have. Even it's your life. The person who is falling in love will never think what he has give to the person he loves the most. True love will become perfect with sacrifice from each other. I trust love doesn't mean owning, even you have give all your best as the sacrifice of love, anyway you still can get her as your honey in your heart, don't blame anyone, you have give your true love. Just let it go.

Loyality is one of the composition of love. Without loyality there is no true love because true love needs loyality. Loyality will make love really so sweet and wonderful. When you know that your honey is very loyal to you. It's really like the biggest surprise that you just can find it in love. Love needs loyality from each other to stand their relationship. I believe that loyality is like a red thread which will unite the lovers into an endless love.

Love will grow well if you water it with understanding. When it's spring the true love will blossom beautifully. A true love will make the lovers can understand each other very well and remain to knit their love. A true love has made the lover understand what is the best that he can do for his love. Tear will never fall if understanding always follow your true love.

Love is the biggest gift from GOD that you have to keep it well cause True love will lead you into The Silk-road of Love that is Eternal and Endless. Till now I believe " True love doesn't have a happy ending that's because true love doesn't have ending ".

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